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Congratulations Jory! Defended her stellar MSc on how urbanization flattens the latitudinal diversity gradient in birds. April 2024

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lab slumber party at Gault Nature Reserve to make a mountain of experimental warming chambers for Kristin's field season. March 2024


Maggie Blondeau defended her MSc thesis, on how demography, reproduction, and pollination change toward the northern range limit of this charismatic and threatened lupine. Dec 2023, Montreal

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Antonio defends his MSc on Phase 2 of the BIG experiment

Dec 2022, Montreal

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Anna was part of the American Society of Naturalists Presidents symposium 'Species Distributions and Coexistence: the Intersection of Ecology and Evolution'. First international conference since COVID started!

June 2022, Cleveland


New study species! Introducing the beautiful sundial lupine, one of many species that occurs in Canada at the northern edge of it's range.  Bonus - it has a slew of cool species interactions, including being the primary food source for three threatened caterpillar species.  Cameron & Maggie are leading the charge

May 2022

  • Twitter

We quit twitter.  It was great for a while but the hostile take over was off putting, so now we're just old school - catch us via emails, papers, and conferences instead!

April 2022

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We got a grant!  NFRF rapid response call to support our cross-continent distribution experiments on the strength, drivers, and effects of species interactions.

Feb 2022


Welcome to new grad students:

Cameron So (PhD), Olivia Rahn (MSc), Jory Griffith (MSc) & Maggie Blondeau

- it's great to have you. Plus congrats to all four on winning scholarships for their studies

Sept 2021

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We're going to the field!!  After a highly COVID-disrupted 2020 field season, Rhinanthus experiments resume

summer 2021


Congratulations Alexandra Paquette for her first paper!  Using data from Alex's honours thesis & NSERC USRAs we show biotic interactions matter more at species warm vs cool range edges

summer 2021

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Shannon & Margot make it safely home after a wild pandemic informed Sept field season.

Oct 2020

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Congratulations Cole Larsen for defending his MSc!  take that COVID and contamination!

Oct 2020


Josh Persi Master of Science officially defended!  Congratulations! In FACETS

August 2020

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Congratulations Pascale and Victor for publishing their respective Honours theses looking at the distribution of Canada's threatened flora and fauna  In FACETS

August 2020

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Congratulations to Josh for winning the Best Talk award at the QCBS conference. The paper that starred in the talk has just been published: Local adaptation to species interactions... 

January 2020

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Cole & Anna's review was short listed for the Ecography Award for Excellence in Ecology & Evolution. And they submitted it on time despite Anna's roof imploding the night before! 'Miniaturizing landscapes to understand species ranges'. 

October 2019.


MIREN (Mountain Invasion Research Network) meeting in beautiful Furka Pass, Switzerland.

September 2019.


Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution. Anna receives CSEE Early Career Award (here), Josh & Sandra give their first national talks, on local adaptation to biotic interactions (preprint) and the edginess of Canadian plants at risk (preprint).

Aug 2019.


Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park.

Public talk on pollination and pollen theft.

July 2019.


Kananaskis bound. Floral Reproductive Biology workshop then months of good times transplanting Rhinanthus to figure out why it drops out at low elevations and whether it loves or hates it's neighbouring plants

June 2019.


Intratherm workshop at Gault - how will variation within species in heat and cold tolerance affect their responses to climate change?

April 2019.

We live and work on the traditional territory of indigenous peoples, including the Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk), in a place that has long served as a site of meeting and exchange among nations.
anna.hargreaves <at> mcgill <dot> ca​​
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